First day of school!

4th Grade!



Because Jacob’s out of zone this year, I’ll be driving him to school each day.image

7 Replies to “First day of school!”

  1. He’s staying at Idyllwilde Elementary in Sanford. He was rezoned for Highlands but his dad moved from Deltona to Sanford and applied for an exception, which kept Jacob at Idyllwilde. I would have been happy with Highlands but his dad works in Deland so it wasn’t doable with his commute. Idyllwilde has been a good school so I’m not disappointed. Where are your boys going? The school bus picks them up LATE!

  2. That’s great! Logan left the house at 6:20 this morning (Lake Mary High); the bus comes at 6:35. I didn’t get a picture because I was in the kitchen when he left and my phone was upstairs. And you know once they get to a certain age they just won’t hang around for the obligatory first-day-of-school photo. Our boys are getting old!!! (Mostly mine!) :’-(

  3. I know the feeling. I watched Noah get on the bus from the pool area. He didn’t feel it was necessary for me to walk him all the way. I’m off Mondays so that’s the only day I will be able to see them off. I go to work now at 7:30.