White lights everywhere!

Was I supposed to put the lights on the outside of the house??

Oh. Oops.



I did put our small tree by the front door. This was the tree we had for several years after the divorce; we’d set it up on a box to make it seem larger.


I know I already posted a video of the tree, but here’s a picture of it at night. Jacob hung the stockings.




5 Replies to “White lights everywhere!”

  1. Haha!! THIS IS TRUE! They would probably send me a nasty-gram saying something like, “Lights must be colorful and bulbs must be LED. No fewer than 200 lights, and no more than 600. Blinking lights are ok, but they can only blink in 3-second intervals. Please redecorate in compliance with this policy and submit a request for reevaluation within 12 hours to avoid a $300 fine.”