Bugs and Forest photos from GHB State Park

Here are some photos from our trip to Gold Head Branch State Park last weekend – see my previous blog post for details on the trip.

First, the macros (click to enlarge).

Surprised Cricket

Grumpy Cricketgrumpy_cricket

Teeny Tiny Spider with Four Eyes

Cute Caterpillarcute_caterpillar

Ant Eating the Inside of an Orange Peelant

And one bug photo that isn’t a macro. Not sure what this was (dragonfly with butterfly wings?) but it was shiny and blue so I chased it for a bit and snapped a photo (or ten).


And now for the flowers…

IMG_2980 cactiflowers flowers2 flowers

And finally, some random forest and trail photos. Most of these were taken with my cell phone but I wanted to capture some of the cool sights on the hiking trail.IMG_2984 IMG_20140517_182318 IMG_20140517_164113 IMG_2997 IMG_2941