Fun with Sparklers

These photos were taken a couple weeks ago, but I had to wait until I finished a photo scavenger hunt before I could post them. The kids and I had an absolutely BLAST making these pictures – we definitely want to do it again!

I tried writing my name (it didn’t turn out as well as I thought it would).

Crazy kid wearing Joe Boxer briefs.


5 Replies to “Fun with Sparklers”

  1. Now I see them all! Lots of fun! These came out great. Love your smiles!

  2. Thanks for the compliments! 😀

    These are edited – I turned up the contrast on almost every photo, and edited the heart one so the sparkler trail is thicker on the bottom than it was originally. I did use the tripod, and the auto-shoot feature where it clicks a photo every so many seconds. We just started to get used to the timing and shutter rhythm when we ran out of sparklers, LOL! It was so much fun, though.

  3. Those look really cool. I tried something like that a few years age on the 4 th of July but they didn’t come out very good. Great job!